The SAYA System
Our seven-step method for thoroughly understanding your prospect’s problem and determining whether or not you can help solve it.
The SAYA System provides a direct and thorough structure to follow, while also allowing enough space for your personalization.
In "traditional" sales, you're told to qualify your prospect, present all your bells and whistles, try to ask for a commitment, chase the prospect until they answer, then maybe close the deal.
The SAYA System walks you through step-by-step how to qualify thoroughly, gain a commitment, present the solution, then close.
We stop the chase altogether by teasing out the Discovery phase in Step 2 and Buying Process in Step 4, and adding "Checks" throughout the process to ensure genuine commitment from the prospect. This shift in your sales process creates an environment of commitment, which helps you and your prospect remain accountable to solving the problem at hand and moving more naturally towards a close.

Let's break this down...
🚀 Step 1: Expectations Check
This is a critical first step in any sales conversation. You want to establish yourself as the leader in the interaction by getting clear on the time you've set aside for the meeting, the agenda items you'll cover, and map out potential next steps.
🚀 Step 2: Discovery
A strong close starts with a thorough Discovery. This is where you'll uncover what your prospect's versions of "prison" and "paradise" look like. You'll take your prospect down "DICE Panels" to carefully gather all the information you need to gain the clearest understanding of why they may need your help.
🚀 Step 3: Commitment Check
Don't project your own sense of commitment. Regardless of how much YOU think your prospect should solve their problem, THEY need to source and voice their own sense of commitment to solving their problem. In this step, you check in to hear how committed they truly are to making a change(whether with you, or someone else).
🚀 Step 4: Buying Process
Now that you and your prospect realize there is a problem here that needs to be solved and they're committed to change, Step 4 will help you determine whether or not they are actually capable of hiring your help. Whether it's budget, timeline, or people involved - you'll want to be sure you are familiar with their "why" and ("why not").
🚀 Step 5: If, Then Check
If you've made it to this point in the SAYA System, it's because you're speaking with someone who has a problem you are capable of solving and their Buying Process reveals that they are theoretically ready to move forward. An If, Then Check will bring that willingness to the forefront and declare a sense of commitment before you even present your exact proposal. It also gives your prospect the opportunity to ask questions, share objections you can address, and further pave the way for the solution ahead.
🚀 Step 6: Solution
Now that you have a thorough understanding of their problem, their ideal future state, and have gained commitment - it's time to show them what you will do to get them where they want to go.
🚀 Step 7: Close Check
At SAYA we always say, "salespeople don't close prospects, prospects close themselves." With the groundwork laid, it's time to step back and allow the prospect space to initiate the closing conversation. By relinquishing the need to force a decision, you empower prospects to make choices that align with their goals and values.
It's simple, but not easy.
Each step in the SAYA System is straightforward and clear, while also nuanced and advanced. You'll be able to master it with a lot of practice, studying, reinforcement, and repetition. You'll be able to understand the System and spot the steps in the process quickly, which makes it accessible and approachable to use. When you combine the power of having a dependable system with your unique selling style and personality - you will be unstoppable.
The SAYA System is built for consultative sales.
If you're in any type of consultative sales position, our seven-step System can help you increase efficiency and effectiveness in qualifying (and disqualifying) your prospective clients. We've seen salespeople across all different industries using the SAYA System with success: insurance, marketing and advertising, home improvement, high-end consultative retail, professional services, financial services, health and wellness, and beyond!
Ready to start using the SAYA System?
If you want to get started on your self-paced training today, please enroll in the Accelerator Online. We also offer a continued skill building container for salespeople called Sales Club. This is where sales professionals across all different industries across the globe come together to master the SAYA System!
If you have a sales team who is ready to learn how to sell professionally, or if you're not sure which next step is best for you - please click here to book a call with Chris Caldwell.