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Be All In On Your Dreams | Rush's Take

rush burkhardt Feb 12, 2024
Rush Burkhardt

As a trainer, coach and consultant for +/-40 years, and a behaviorist at my core, I have attempted to encourage people to set goals.

Using my bully pulpit, it hasn't been difficult to get people, myself included, to "set" goals. Executing and achieving them, however...a different story! I am in my 9th decade (can you believe that?), and I'm gonna' change my song. 

Goals. Plan. Why bother? If you're not gonna work, outside the nature of most, why bother setting goals and setting yourself up for failure, guilt and shame? Why?

I have been associated with many people, clients, friends and strangers for whom goal setting has been worse than not! And I've helped them get to the "worse" of it!

Twenty-five years ago I presented The Missions:

Admission - I admit this is the status, like it or not; for reasons to be stated, here's the why of the matter.

Commission - Dedicating my intent to achieve a completion to the content of that admission.

Submission - Antithetical to our general teaching, I must give-up to my dedication and be all-in to accomplish my target!

Now...I've gotta' say my own goal-setting experiences have been, more often than not, successful. The bigger the better! Bring 'em on!l All-in!

I will tell you, I believe, it's the WHY [my dreams] of the goals that pushes me forward and keeps me focused.



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